Information Technologies and Software Developers Meet at Istanbul Kültür University
IEEE Istanbul Kültür University Computer Society Chapter
Chair—Halil İbrahim Korkmaz
Imagine that a community of scientists and engineers who give direction to the world of technology has its foundations in the great scientists of the 1880s, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison.
IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society are just such a community.
The community’s representative in Turkey, IEEE Computer Society Turkey Chapter, awarded IEEE Istanbul Kültür University Student Branch Chapter the right to host the country’s largest event, “IEEE Turkey Computer Society Congress—CSCON.” Continue…
Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Recipients Selected for the Spring Cycle
The number of highly qualified applicants for the Richard E. Merwin scholarship’s spring cycle reached 75. From that group, the selection committee chose those with the highest scores based on IEEE branch/chapter activities, academic achievement, extracurricular activities, letter of recommendation, and student ambassador vision statement. Continue…
Distinguished Visitor Presents to Global Audience
Ignacio Castillo, Distinguished Visitor (2015–2017), partnered with the IEEE Computer Society Turkey Chapter Chair, Fatih Ugurdag, to broadcast a presentation on “Data Centers: The Cloud Computing IaaS” to a worldwide audience through YouTube. Continue…