IEEE Computer Society Selects Fall Season’s Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Winners

POSTED BY on 12.21.2017

In September, IEEE Computer Society received 73 extremely qualified applications from all over the world for the Richard E. Merwin Scholarship. The scholarship was created in honor of the late Richard E. Merwin, past president of the IEEE Computer Society, to recognize and reward student leadership. The Scholarship Committee paid special attention to IEEE Involvement, academic achievement, letters of reference, and vision statements to determine the strongest candidates.

Megha Ben

College of Engineering, Trivandrum

Applied Electronics and Instrumentation


Megha is a third-year student at the College of Engineering Trivandrum, who has been very active in IEEE and IEEE Computer Society. She has spearheaded the Scholarship Outreach Initiative, which widens awareness of Computer Society scholarships among students in India. Megha is the Editor-in-Chief at IEEE CS Compute, the Secretary at IEEE Computer Society India Council Student Activities Committee (SAC), and Vice Chair of the IEEE CS Chapter at College of Engineering, Trivandrum. She was also a winner of the Richard E. Merwin Scholarship winner in April 2016.


Lavanya S

Reva University

Electronics and Communication Engineering


Lavanya is in her third year at Reva University, where she serves as the Chair of the Student Branch and the Membership Drive Committee. She has been selected as IEEEXtreme 11.0 ambassador (2017) and frequently volunteers at the Bangalore section. Lavanya was chosen to participate in the Made in India 11-day entrepreneur boot camp from IEEE Region 10 and IEEE young professionals, and she received a scholarship to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing India 2017.



Nilotpal Chakraborty

Indian Institute of Technology, Patna

Computer Science and Engineering


Nilotpal has been a member since 2014 and has taken an active role at the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, where he is currently studying for his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering. He serves as the Chair of the Student Branch. He also has volunteered for the IEEEXtreme 9.0 (2015) and 10.0 (2016) and for the All India Computer Society Student and Young Professional Congress 2015. Nilotpal was awarded a scholarship from MHRD and AICTE, Government of India from 2012 to 2014, and a research fellowship for his PhD at IIT Patna in 2014. He was also given an award for best idea for the use of technology and innovation for good governance at IIT Patna in 2014.




V Sreesankar

College of Engineering, Trivandrum

Computer Science & Engineering


V Sreesankar is an undergraduate student at the College of Engineering, Trivandrum, who co-organized the creation of the IEEE Computer Society Chapter at his university. He has been the Team Lead of the IEEE AURA Team since 2016, a volunteer/co-organizer for CS membership development activities at his university, and the Event Secretary for the IEEE Computer Society India Symposium 2016. Sreesankar was awarded a certificate for reaching the finals of the Sensobotz competition held by the National Robotics Championship India, ARK Technosolutions and IIT Bombay and conducted by the IEEE Student Branch.




Mustafa Doga Dogan

Bogazici University

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Mustafa is studying for his Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey.  He has served as IEEEXtreme ambassador, Chair of the Bogazici University IEEE Student Branch, IT Team Member for the IEEE Education Society Student Activities Committee and Director of Web Development for his university’s Student Branch. Mustafa was a Best Medical Robotics Paper finalist at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. He has received the IEEE-RAS Travel Grant, the UCLA Research Center Travel Grant, Iş Bank Altin Gencler Award and first place in the TEB Icat Çikar innovation contest.



Sanyam Goel

Bharati Vdyapeeth’s College of Engineering

Information Technology


Sanyam is an undergraduate student in Information Technology at Bharati Vdyapeeth’s College of Engineering (BVCOE), New Delhi, who is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Student Branch of the BVCOE, Chair and founding member of the IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter at the university’s and Event Coordinator for Fervour 9.0 and the Bharati Vdyapeeth IEEE Annual Technical and Managerial Fest 2016. In 2017, he received the Outstanding Student Volunteer Award from the IEEE Delhi Section. He won first prize in the Software Hackathon organized by the BVCOE Tech Fest 2016, second prize at the Netaji Subhas Insititute of Technology Software Hackathon and third prize at the competitive coding competition in BVEST, Annual Tech Fest at BVCOE.


Hima Bindu Bhardwaj

Sree Chitra Tirunal College of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Hima is studying for a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering at Sree Chitra Tirunal College of Engineering. She has served as coordinator of IEEE Day celebrations at her university, and has been a speaker and organizer in Ignite, conducted by Women in Engineering. She was in charge of her Student Branch newsletter “Respect.”  Hima won the Prime Minister’s Scholarship for the Central Armed Police Forces.




Mohammod Abdul Motin

University of Melbourne

Signal Processing and Machine Learning


 Mohammod Abdul is working toward his PhD in Signal Processing and Machine Learning and is the Vice-Chair of his Student Branch at the University of Melbourne, and has been the Student Coordinator at the IEEE Student Branch at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology in Bangladesh. He organized and conducted a tutoring section on Electrical Network Analysis,” a seminar on “IEEE Standards Education for Academia,” and a workshop on “Arduino and Wearable Technology.” Mohammod Abdul won the 2017 ANZSCON travel grant, the 2015 Melbourne International Research Scholarship and the 2015 Melbourn International Fee Remission Scholarship.



Arundhati Kurup

Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


An undergraduate student in Computer Science and Engineering at Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering (SCTCE), Arundhati has been very involved in her university’s Student Branch Chapter and other IEEE activities. She has served as the Chair of the Student Branch Chapter, and the Vice-Chair for the school’s Women in Engineering Affinity Group. She has been a Content Team Member for the Computer Society India Council Student Activities Committee and the Mentor and Organizer for The Codelab Project. Arundhati has won the Computer Society of India Student Award (2017) for exemplary academic achievements and the Scholarship from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCTCE for high academic achievement.



Jitender Grover

International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad

Computer Science and Engineering


Jitender is in an MS by Research (CSE) program for Computer Science and Engineering at the International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad, India. As Chair, Jitender worked with his fellow Student Members to breathe new life into the university’s Student Chapter in 2016. Jitender has also served as Joint Secretary of the Young Professionals Affinity Group for the IEEE Hyderabad Section, and has been an ambassador for both IEEEXtreme and IEEE Day.



Anddy Francel Espinoza López

Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Nicaragua

Computer Engineering


Anddy is studying in the Computer Engineering track at the Nicaragua, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. Anddy has been the Chair of the IEEE UNI Student Branch, as well as the EDS chapter. He represented his university at the Computer Conference for Development as a project speaker.  At his university, Anddy created the Maximum Developer, an event similar to IEEEXtreme.




Nikhil Kumar Mishra

Delhi Technological University

Electronics and Communication Engineering


Nikhil is an undergraduate student in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Delhi Technological University. Nikhil has been particularly involved in projects, webinars and workshops, including Virtual Stock Simulator, TechWeek 2017 and T-Hacks, which was the Delhi Technological University’s largest 24-hour software hackathon. He has also been involved in IEEEmadC, IEEEXtreme and IEEE Programming League. Nikhil has won second Runner-up in the Plethora—the Hardware Hackathon at Troika 2016, and third Prize at DCB Fintech Hackathon, organized by DCB Bank.


Arushi Relan

Northern India Engineering College

Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Arushi is studying for her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Northern India Engineering College (NIEC), who chairs the NIEC Student Branch, the Social Media Coordinator for the IEEE India Council Student Activities Committee. Among others, she has been the Vice Chair for the Women in Engineering NIEC Student Branch Affinity Group, External Affairs Team Head for the NIEC Student Branch and the Section Ambassador for the IEEE Programming League. Moreover, she won first prize at the (Linear Fractional Representation (LFR) Race and third place in the technical exhibition at Innovision, NSIT 2016.


Bala Murugan M

St. Xavier College of Engineering

Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Bala is working toward his Bachelor of Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering at St. Xavier College of Engineering. Bala regularly volunteers for IEEE activities at his university. Some of the activities he has helped organize include Engineers’ Day, Teachers’ Day, a visit to Mercy Home for People with Mental and Physical Disabilities and a visit to Vattaparai, a village near Vellarakumalai, Kanyakumari. Many of these activities brought technology skills to the wider public.



Vignesh Hari

College of Engineering, Chengannur

Computer Science and Engineering


Vignesh is studying Computer Science and Engineering at the College of Engineering, Chengannur, and is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Student Branch at his university. He has also played a significant role in university activities such as Prototyping at Electronic Workshops, Robothon 3.0, Devcom and Kerala Section PES Workshop. Vignesh received first prize at Icode 16, Spot Web and Labyrinth, an online quiz held as a part of the All Kerala IEEE Student Congress.


Samaresh Bera

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Computer Science


Samaresh is studying for a PhD in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and is currently the Vice Chair of the IEEE Student Branch at IIT Kharagpur.  He served on the organizing committee for the 2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium and was a member on his university Student Branch Student Activity Committee. Samaresh has reviewed for a number of IEEE peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, he was one of 200 young researchers chosen to attend the Fifth Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2017, and he has received research fellowships from two Indian government institutions: the Defense Research and Development Organization, and the Department of Electronics and Information Technology.


Dinda Karlia Destiani

Telkom University, Indonesia

Computer Science


Dinda is a student in the Computer Science Department at Telkom University in Indonesia, serving as the Vice Chair of her university’s Computer Society Student Branch Chapter and the IEEE Student Branch. She has won Beasiswa Pintar, Beasiswa Kopertis, and Beasiswa Bawaku at her university. She has also received an opportunity for fully funded attendance to the Hilbert Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation.




Deepali Jain

Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology

Information Technology


Deepali Jain studies as an undergraduate at the Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology (MSIT), who has served in a number of positions at the IEEE Women in Engineering MSIT. Currently, she holds the position of Chair. She has received the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in India Student Scholarship and first prize in the debate at the Programme on India Applicability of the Paris Conference on Climate Change, held at the United Nations office in Delhi.


These students are now part of the select group of Richard E. Merwin Scholarship recipients. You too can join them. There will an opportunity in 2018 for you to be one of 36 recipients in 2018. If you are eligible, plan to apply by the 30 April and 30 September deadlines at

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