Welcome to INTERFACE
Welcome to INTERFACE – a new communication resource to inform, educate, and inspire the technical community. Curating stories from around the Society, INTERFACE consist of three sections:
TechKNOW: Providing updates on the latest news within the IEEE Computer Society. From nomination deadlines to voting (going on now, click here to vote if you haven’t already done so), to award deadlines & winners, announcements on members benefits, as well as news and reactions to news in the technology industry.
- Peer2Peer: Highlighting all of the great work our members whether in their jobs, their restlessness in volunteering in the Computer Society or in their local community. It’s here where we tell YOUR story. To be featured or know someone who should be featured in Peer2Peer, email us at interface@computer.org.
- Chapters Network: Highlighting the Computer Society 500+ worldwide student and professional chapters and giving our chapter leaders a forum to share successes and best practices. Did you just hold an event and want to share it? Did your chapter start out small with only a few handful of members and now a growing, vibrant, and strong community of like-minded individuals? Share your event or your chapter success story with us.
INTERFACE is interactive. We encourage everyone to comment on the posts and engage with each other.
This site is for everyone – members and non-members. We hope you enjoy what you read and learn more about the IEEE Computer Society and what we do, what benefits and resources we offer to help you in your career, and learn more about our members and our worldwide community of technology leaders. Not yet a member? Click here to join and get the resources you need to advance your career.
If you, someone you know, or your chapter wants to be profiled in INTERFACE please email us at interface@computer.org with a brief description so we can start to learn more about your story and get in touch with you.
When I read the initial Interface email, I immediately thought “Oh no, another virtual community/Collabratec/whatever”, but it only turned out to be a blog with comments. If it does in fact turn out to be a collection of interesting stories from the grass roots and not yet another place to dump conference CFPs, and the comments aren’t ads for SEO consultants, then maybe it’ll work out. Good luck!
Thanks Hardy! Thanks for checking it out. We hope you enjoy it and to see you often on INTERFACE!