IEEE Computer Society Selects Winners of the Lance Stafford Larson Writing Award

Artur Luis Fernandes de Souza and Davide Quarta won first prize, respectively, in the undergraduate and graduate Lance Stafford Larson Writing Award competitions.

The IEEE Past President Robert Larson and his family established the Lance Stafford Larson Writing Award in memoriam to their son who died in an electrical accident while an undergraduate at the University of Maryland. The award helps students develop excellence in their communication skills and motivates students in their achievements in computer science. Continue…

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IEEE Computer Society Selects Fall Season’s Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Winners

In September, IEEE Computer Society received 73 extremely qualified applications from all over the world for the Richard E. Merwin Scholarship. The scholarship was created in honor of the late Richard E. Merwin, past president of the IEEE Computer Society, to recognize and reward student leadership. The Scholarship Committee paid special attention to IEEE Involvement, academic achievement, letters of reference, and vision statements to determine the strongest candidates. Continue…

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IEEE Computer Society Student Scholarships and Awards

Deadlines rapidly approaching for the Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) Honor Society Award, and the Lance Stafford Larson Paper Contest.


Through these scholarships and awards, IEEE Computer Society provides US$40,000 to students annually. Continue…