Need Help on Your Scholarship Application? Check out the Scholarship Outreach Initiative

This article was based on a report written by Anamitra Sarma (Content Co-Lead, IEEE CS India SAC)

For all of you who are applying to the Spring Richard E. Merwin Scholarship (REM) at the end of this month, help stands at the ready.

In 2017, a group of volunteers from IEEE CS Compute created the Scholarship Outreach Initiative to educate IEEE Computer Society members about the scholarships offered by the Society, and to help students prepare their applications. Continue…

The IEEE Computer Society College of Engineering Chengannur Student Branch Chapter Creates a Developer Community for Students

Too often, students race through secondary school, compiling tallies of courses and credits, joining activities to lengthen their resumes, and taking (and retaking) entrance exams. These same students arrive at college only to repeat the process, hoping to enter a graduate or professional school, or to land that perfect first job. Continue…

Outstanding Chapter Awards Given to Chapters in Poland and Costa Rica

Every year Computer Society chapters worldwide conduct technical and social activities for their members. To recognize the professional chapter and student branch chapter that have provided their membership with the best overall experience, the IEEE Computer Society established the Outstanding Chapter Award.  The Awards and Recognition Committee has chosen the 2017 Outstanding Chapter Award winners.

These chapters have shown excellence in technical and societal activities, membership advancement, fellow nominations and awards, and member recruitment. Continue…