Last Chance to Vote in IEEE Computer Society Elections

If you haven’t done so already, please remember to vote in the 2017 IEEE Computer Society Elections. Voting ends on Monday, 25 September, at Noon ET. IEEE Computer Society members are eligible to vote for President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Board of Governors. Click here for bios and position statements for each candidate and to access your ballot.
President – a 3-year term on the Executive Committee & Board of Governors
(President-Elect 2018, President 2019, Past President 2020)
Cecilia Metra
Professor, University of Bologna (Italy)
Currently serves as
Vice President, IEEE Computer Society Membership & Geographic Activities Board
IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors member (2013-2018)
Hausi Müller
Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada
Currently serves as
Vice President, IEEE Computer Society Technical and Conferences Activities Board
IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors member (2015-2017)
On 26 July, we held a town hall debate between the two Presidential candidates. Watch the town hall below.
First Vice President– serves 1-year term
Gregory T. Byrd
Professor and associate head in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University
Currently serves as
IEEE Computer Society Second Vice President for Publications
IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors member (2015-2017)
Stefano Zanero
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano
Currently serves as
IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors member (2013-2018)
IEEE CS Constitution & Bylaws Committee member
Second Vice President – serves 1-year term
Dennis J. Frailey
Principal Fellow from Raytheon Corporation (retired)
IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors member (2011–2016)
Vladimir Getov
Professor, and postgraduate program director at the University of Westminster, London
Currently serves as
IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors member (2016–2018)
Member-At-Large IEEE CS Publications Board
Member-At-Large IEEE CS Technical and Conference Activities Board
Board of Governors – serves 3-year term. Vote for 7 of the 11 nominees
Edward A. Addy, Northrop Grumman
Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Andy Chen, Catronic Enterprise
Sven Dietrich, CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Forrest Shull, Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
John Johnson, Excelsior College
Kinshuk, College of Information, University of North Texas
Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
David Lomet, Microsoft Research Redmond
Dimitrios Serpanos, University of Patras, Greece
Hayato Yamana, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Candidate names are listed in alphabetical order.
Remember voting ends on Monday, 25 September at Noon ET. Click here to access your ballot.
All 2017 professional and graduate student IEEE Computer Society members are eligible to vote in the elections. IEEE Computer Society undergraduate student members do not hold voting rights.
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